Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Sda2 Trend Trading System

Indikator trend pada AFL ke AmiBroker Wma cross untuk amibroker afl dema fan afl untuk amibroker afl mengatakan semuanya, formula untuk pedagang intraday. Tapi saya akan mengatakan bahwa ini untuk semua orang. Smv trading system v1.0 merupakan pendekatan trading intraday dengan kombinasi profil sistem profil pasar tren trend pasar sda2 (smv trading system v1.0). Dalam analisis teknis, ini adalah pola perdagangan alami yang ada di semua pasar keuangan. Pola ini terdiri dari lima gelombang yang menunjukkan penawaran dan permintaan. Database indikator, osilator, sistem dan alat yang berguna untuk pengembang sistem perdagangan terbesar terbesar. Amibroker (afl), metastock, esignal, ninjatrader. Amibroker adalah alat analisis teknis canggih yang terkenal dan dianut oleh banyak orang. Analisis teknis adalah salah satu pendekatan di mana. Tautan. Amibroker terkait situs pihak ke-3. Penting: ini adalah produk pihak ke 3. Kami tidak mendukung Cara menggunakan dema fan afl untuk amibroker afl, unduh kipas dema afl untuk amibroker afl. Sekarang copy file afl dan paste ke program filesamibrokerformulascustom. Cepat array dan pengolahan matriks. Dalam bahasa rumus amibroker (afl) vektor dan matriks adalah tipe asli seperti bilangan polos. Untuk menghitung titik tengah tinggi dan rendah. Catatan untuk kontributor: silakan periksa pengumuman upgrade. Selamat datang di basis pengetahuan pengguna amibroker (ukb) situs ini diciptakan untuk menghemat waktu Anda, naikkan. Cepat array dan pengolahan matriks. Dalam bahasa rumus amibroker (afl) vektor dan matriks adalah tipe asli seperti bilangan polos. Untuk menghitung titik tengah tinggi dan rendah. Smv trading system v1.0 merupakan pendekatan trading intraday dengan kombinasi profil sistem profil pasar tren trend pasar sda2 (smv trading system v1.0). Tautan. Amibroker terkait situs pihak ke-3. Penting: ini adalah produk pihak ke 3. Kami tidak menyetujui. EXE (quotSDA2 Channel Trading System ver 2.0quot) SetChartOptions (0, chartShowArrowschartShowDates) trailing0 N (Judul StrFormat (quot - Buka g, Hi g, Lo g, Tutup g (.1f) quot, O, H, L, C, SelectedValue (ROC (C, 1)))) SetTradeDelays (1, 1, 1, 1) BuyPrice Open SellPrice Open DerivedWMA (WMA ((HL) 2) (OC), 2), 2) ATR (2) 1.5 Turunkan (Derived-StDev (Derived, 7)) - ATR (2) 1 colorIIf (BarsSince (Cross (Lower, Low), 2) iWMA (Derived, 3) Upper (DerivedStDev (Derived, ) Gt BarsSince (Cross (C, Upper)), colorBrightGreen, colorRed) Plot (C, quotquot, color, 64) Plot (Upper, quotupper bandquot, colorGreen) Plot (Turun, quotlower bandquot, colorDarkRed) Kondisi Beli atau Jual Beli Cross Jual Beli (Jual Beli) Jual ExRem (Jual, Beli) CoverBuy ShortSell Filter Beli ATAU Jual Parameter Eksplorasi AddTextColumn (FullName (), quotCompany Namequot) AddColumn (Buy, quotBuyquot, 1 ) AddColumn (Jual, quotSellquot, 1) AddColumn (C, quotClosequot, 1.3) AddColumn (H, quoth Ectquot, 1.3) AddColumn (Lower, quotLower Bandquot, 1.3) AddColumn (Upper, quotUpper Bandquot, 1.3) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorGreen, 0, L, Offset-40) PlotShapes (IIf (Beli, shapeSquare , ShapeNone), colorLime, 0, L, Offset-50) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0, L, Offset-45) PlotShapes (IIf (Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorRed, 0, H, Offset40) PlotShapes (IIf (Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorOrange, 0, H, Offset50) PlotShapes (IIf (Jual, bentukDownArrow, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0, H, Offset-45) SECTIONBEGIN (quotWaterMarkquot) GfxSetOverlayMode 1) GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, Status (quotpxheightquot) 12) GfxSetTextAlign (6) alignment tengah GfxSetTextColor (ColorHSB (42, 42, 42)) GfxSetBkMode (0) transparan GfxTextOut (quotBudget 2012quot, Status (quotpxwidthquot) 4, Status (quotpxheightquot) 4 ) Anda dapat mengubah nama tampilan Anda sendiri GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, Status (quotpxheightquot) 12) GfxTextOut (quot traderjiquot, Status (quotpxwidthquot) 4, Status (quotpxheightquot) 490) Anda dapat mengubah nama tampilan Anda sendiri SECTIONEND () synchParamToggle (quotSynch dengan Indexquot, quotNoYesquot, 0) VrParamList (quotIndex to Synchquot, Daftar quotNSEI, NSEBANK, CNXIT, NSMIDCP, RELIANCE. NS, SBIN. NSquot, 0 ) SECTIONBEGIN (quotPL Settingsquot) PerctakeProfitParam (quotTake Profit Percentquot, 0,65,0,3,30,0,1) PercStoplossParam (quotStopLoss Percentquot,,5,0.1) trades1Param (quotTrade Abovequot, 1,1,10,1) riskAmountParam (quotRisk Amountquot , 240,200,10000,100) SECTIONBar (quotTrade Variablesquot) VolminParam (quotVolume Minquot, 0,0,10000000,50) VolmaxParam (quotVolume Maxquot, 10000000,0,10000000,50) hargaRLParam (kisaran harga kisaran Minquot, 15,1,20000, 1) priceRHParam (quotPrice Range Maxquot, 20000,1,20000,1) PercChangeminParam (quotPercentage Change Min setquot, -50, -100, 100, 0.1) PercChangemaxParam (quotPercentage Change Max setquot, 50, -100, 100, 0.1) Program Menghitung dan menampilkan berbagai nilai harga secara real time Todays Open Prior Day High Prior Day Low Sebelum Hari Terbuka Sebelum Tutup Hari Sebelumnya Hari Tengah 1015 Hari Tinggi 1015 Rendah PlotOHLC (Terbuka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup, quotquot, colorWhite, styleCandle) Batang 0 xpdh 90 SECTIONBEGIN (quotSARquot) acc Param (quotAccelerationquot, 0.02, 0, 1, 0.001) accm Param (quotMax. Accelerationquot, 0.2, 0, 1, 0.001) Plot (SAR, acc, accm), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotcolorquot, colorBlack), ParamStyle (quotStylequot, styleDots styleNoLine, maskDefault styleDots styleNoLine)) BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotSMAquot) P ParamField (quotPrice fieldquot, -1) Parameter Periode (Parameter kuarsa, 20, 2, 300, 1, 10) Plot (MA, P, Periode), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorYellow), ParamStyle (quotStylequot, styleThick)) ParamField SECTIONEND () lereng adalahSlopeUP (MA (P, Periode) ltL) DAN REKENING (MA, P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 2) DAN P (MA (P, Periode), - 2) gtRef (MA (P, Periodik), - 3) dan Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 3) gtRef (MA (P, Periods), - 4) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 4) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 5) dan Pustaka (MA (P, Periode), - 5) gtRef (MA (P, Periods), - 6) isSlopeDN (MA (P, Periods) gtH) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periode), - 1) ltRef (MA (P, Periode), - 2) DAN Pokok (MA (P, Periode), - 2) ltRef (MA (P, Periode), - 3) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 3) ltRef (MA (P, Periods), - 4) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periode ), - 4) ltRef (MA (P, Periods), - 5) dan Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 5) ltRef (MA (P, Periods), - 6) isSlpeUP (MA (P, Periode) LtC) DAN P (MA, P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periodik), - 2) DAN P (MA (P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 3) DAN PIHAK (MA, P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 4) DAN Pokok (MA (P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periods), - 5) AND Ref (MA (P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 6) isSlpeDN (MA (P, Periods) gtC) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 1) (P, Periode), - 2) DAN P (MA, P, Periode), - 1) ltRef (MA (P, Periode), - 3) DAN P (MA (P, Periode), - 1) (MA, P, Periode), - 5) DAN RE (MA (P, Periode), - 1) ltRef (MA (P, Periode), - LtRef (MA (P, Periods), - 6) Mengkonversi data ke harian PlotRange (TimeNum () gt 95500 DAN TimeNum () lt 153500) AND (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) FHRange (TimeNum () gt 095500 AND TimeNum () lt 101459) AND (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) FHPrices FHMarker FHRM FACEL TinggiSejak (FHRangegt0) Temukan jumlah bar dalam 60 menit NumBars 3 600 Interval (1) TimeFrameSet (inDaily) TOP Open PDH Ref (Tinggi, -1) PDL Ref (Rendah, -1) PDO Ref (Open, -1) PDC Ref (Tutup, -1) PDM (PDHPDL) 2 TimeFrameRestore ( ) IsAll True isRth TimeNum () gt 095400 AND TimeNum () lt 101459 isdRth TimeNum () gt 095400 AND TimeNum () lt 160000 aRthL IIf (isRth, L, 1000000) aRthH IIf (isthRth, H, Null) aRthLd IIf (isthRth, L, 1000000) TOP TimeFrameExpand (TOP, inDaily, expandFirst) PDH TimeFrameExpand (PDH, inDaily, expandFirst) PDL TimeFrameExpand (PDL, inDaily, expandFirst) PDO TimeFrameExpand (PDO, inDaily, expandFirst) PDC TimeFrameExpand (PDC, inDaily, expandFirst) PDM TimeFrameExpand (PDM, inDaily, expandFirst) FHH Ref (HHV (HighFHRange, NumBars), - FHMarker) FHL TimeFrameCompress (aRthL, inDaily, compressLow) FHL TimeFrameExpand (FHL, inDaily, expandFirst) DayH TimeFrameCompress (aRthH, inDaily, compressHigh) DayH TimeFrameExpand (DayH, inDaily, expandFirst) DayL TimeFrameCompress (aRthLd, inDaily, compressLow) DayL TimeFrameExpand (DayL, inDaily, expandFirst ) Menemukan FC1 ((PDH-PDL) 0.433) FC2 ((PDH-PDL) 0.7666) FC3 ((PDH-PDL) 1.355) FC4 (FHH-FHL) SEKARANG FILTER UNTUK MENCARI FAKTOR YANG BERLAKU F11IIf ((FC4ltFC1PDH0.005) , FC1,0) F22IIf ((FC4ltFC2PDH0.005 DAN FC4gtFC1PDH0.005), FC2,0) F33IIf ((FC4ltFC3 dan FC4gtFC2PDH0.005), FC3,0) elemen1IIf (F11gt0, F11,0) element2IIf (F22gt0, F22,0 ) Element3IIf (F33gt0, F33,0) AF (F11F22F33) sejak (TimeNum () gt 101459 AND TimeNum () Batas) DAN (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum)) berderingHigh-Low nrsIIf (rangLLV (berdering, 7) , BentukDigit7shapePosisi di atas, bentukNone) nr8sIIf (Ref, nr7s, -1) DAN rangLLV (berdering, 8), shapeDigit8shapePosition Di atas, shapeNone) nr7IIf (synch1, nr7s, 0) nr8IIf (synch1, nr8s, 0) InsideBar Inside () nr1f (nr7 DAN (H, Max (HaC, HaO)) HaL Min (L, Min (HaC, HaC, HaC) HaO)) BG3HHV (LLV (HaL, 4) ATR (4), 8) BR3LLV (HHV (HaH, 4) - ATR (4), 8) co IIf (HacgtBG3, colorBrightGreen, IIf (Hac lt BR3, colorRed, colorGrey50 )) Plot (4, quotquot, Co, styleAre AstyleOwnScale styleNoLabel, -1, 100) RestorePriceArrays () SECTIONEND () filter tambahan GLong (TOPFHL) DAN TimeNum () lt 101600 Gshort (TOPFHH) DAN TimeNum () lt 101600 GLS (AFlt (FHH-FHL)) advanceForeign (quotNSEAdvancingquot, quotHquot ) Menurunkan Harga Jual Beli (IDNSEDecliningquot, quotHquot) SEKARANG MENGHITUNG PARAMETER ENTRY-EXIT-STOPLOSS BuyPrice (BuyOnline) BuyTP1 (BuyPrice (PerepokProfit100))) BuyTP2 (CgtBuyTP1 OR HgtBuyTP1) SellPrice (DayH-AF) SellTP1 (SellPrice - (SellPrice (PerctakeProfit100) )))) SellTP2 (CltSellTP1 ATAU LltSellTP1) TSB IIf (SAR, acc, accm) gtBuyTP1 DAN SAR (acc, accm) ltL, SAR (acc, accm), BuyTP1) TSB1Cross (TSB, C) TSS IIf (SAR, Accm) ltSellTP1 DAN SAR (acc, accm) gtH, SAR (acc, accm), SellTP1) TSS1Cross (C, TSS) percchange (((PDC) PDC) 100) Vol (VgtVolmin dan VltVolmax) Persentase (percchangegtPercChangemin DAN percchangeltPercChangemax ) Prc (CgtpriceRL AND CltpriceRH) Buy1 (Vol DAN Persentase DAN prc DAN sejak DAN (HacgtBG3) DAN advancegtDekline DAN (Cross (C, BuyPrice)) Buy2 (Vol DAN Persentase DAN prc DAN sejak DAN PERJANJIAN DAMPAK DAN (Cross (C, BuyPrice))) Short1 (Vol DAN Persentase DAN prc DAN sejak DAN tdk dtentangDekosta DAN (HacltBR3) DAN (Cross (SellPrice, C))) Short2 (Vol DAN Persentase DAN prc DAN sejak DAN advanceltDecline Buy3 IIf (selaras, Buy1, Buy2) Short3 IIf (selaras, pendek, pendek2) BuyStop1 (BuyPrice - (BuyPrice (PercStoploss100))) BuyStop1IIf (BuyStop1lt SellPrice, SellPrice, BuyStop1) BuyStop2 (Beli, LltBuyStop1 ATAU CltBuyStop1) SellStop1 (SellPrice (SellPrice (PercStoploss100))) SellStop1IIf (SellStop1 gt BuyPrice, BuyPrice, SellStop1) SellStop2 (HgtSellStop1 OR CgtSellStop1) perdagangan kumulatif tradebase (Beli3 OR Short3 DAN sejak) tradesCum (tradebase) trades2 (tradesgttrades1) buyTargetHit IIf (BuySincegt1 AND buyTPSincegt1 AND buyStopSince lt 0, 1, 0) buyStoplossHit IIf (buySincegt1 AND buyStopSincegt1 DAN buyTPSince lt 0, 1, 0) Beli (Buy3 AND tradees AND ANDLOPUP AND (NOT Ref (Buy3, -1) DAN NOT Ref (Buy3 , -2) DAN BUKAN Ref (Buy3, -3) DAN BUKAN Ref (Buy3, -4) DAN BUKAN Ref (Buy3, -5))) Sh (Short3 DAN -2) DAN BUKAN Ref (Short3, -3) DAN NOT Ref (Short3, -3) DAN NOT Ref (Short3, -4) DAN NOT Ref (Short3, -3) DAN NOT Ref (Short3, - NT) BuyTPIf (Buy AND NOT BuyStop, BuyTP2, Null) SellTPIIf (Pendek DAN TIDAK SellStop, SellTP2, Null) BeliTIII (Beli DAN TIDAK BuyTP2), BuyStop1, Null) SellStopIIf (Pendek DAN TIDAK SellTP2, SellStop1, Null) BuyTPIIf ) tradebaseB percobaan (Beli) tradesBCum (tradebaseB) BuyTP3BuyTP2 DAN TradesBgt1 tradebaseBTP (BuyTP3) tradesBTPCum (tradebaseBTP) Buystop3Buystop2 DAN TradesBgt1 tradebaseBSL (Buystop3 DAN sejak) tradesBSLCum (tradebaseBSL) SellTP3SellTP2 DAN TradesSgt1 tradebaseSTP (SellTP3) tradesSTPCum (tradebaseSTP) Sellstop3Sellstop2 DAN TradesSgt1 tradebaseSSL ( Sellstop3 AND since) tradesSSLCum (tradebaseSSL) buyTriggered (TradesB1) buyTargetHit (TradesBTPgt1) buyStoplossHit (TradesBSLgt1) shortTriggered TradesS1 shortTargetHit (TradesSTPgt1) shortStoplossHit (TradesSSLgt1) dasar garis akhir plot Bar BarSince (TimeNum () gt 95400 AND TimeNum () lt 101459), BarIndex (), 1) Dan DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) x0 BarCount-LastValue (Bar) x1 BarCount-1 TOPLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (TOP), x1, LastValue (TOP), 0) PDHLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDH) X1, LastValue (PDH), 0) PDLLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDL), x1, LastValue (PDL), 0) PDCLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDC), x1, LastValue (PDC), 0) PDMLine LineArray X0, LastValue (PDM), x1, LastValue (PDM), 0) FHHLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (FHH), x1, LastValue (FHH), 0) FHLLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (FHL), x1, LastValue (FHL ), 0) BuyPricelineLineArray (x0, LastValue (BuyPrice), x1, LastValue (BuyPrice), 0) BuyStoplineLineArray (x0, LastValue (BuyStop1), x1, LastValue (BuyStop1), 0) BuyTPlineLineArray (x0, SelectedValue (TSB), x1 Sell ​​SelllineLineArray (x0, LastValue (SellPrice), x1, LastValue (SellPrice), 0) SellStoplineLineArray (x0, LastValue (SellStop1), x1, LastValue (SellStop1), 0) SellTPlineLineArray (x0, SelectedValue TSS), x1, SelectedValue (TSS), 0) DayHlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (DayH), x1, LastValue (DayH), 0) DayLlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (DayL) , X1, LastValue (DayL), 0) Kode siap Cshavebuy1IIf ((Cgt ((BuyStopline)) DAN HltBuyPriceline) DAN TIDAK Pendek, Buystopline (2 ((Ref (High, -1) - Ref (Low, -1)) factor100 )), 0) Cshavesell1IIf ((Clt ((Sellstopline)) dan LgtSellPriceline) DAN TIDAK Membeli, SellStopline - (2 ((Ref (High, -1) - Ref (Low, -1)) factor100)), 0) Cshavebuy1IIf (CgtBuyStopline AND HltBuyPriceline AND H gt BuyPriceline0.997) DAN TIDAK JUST DAN Karena, (BuyPriceline0.997), 0) Cshavesell1IIf ((CltSellstopline DAN LgtSellPriceline AND LltSellPriceLine1.002) DAN TIDAK Membeli DAN karena, (SellPriceLine1.002), 0 ) Cshavebuy2Cshavebuy1 AND (NOT Ref (Cshavebuy1,1) AND isSlopeUP) Cshavebuy3Cshavebuy1 AND (NOT Ref (Cshavebuy1,1) DAN ((HacgtBG3) ATAU (TIDAK (HacgtBG3) DAN TIDAK (HacltBR3))) DAN isSlopeUP) Cshavesell2CshaveSell1 AND (NOT Ref (Cshavesell1,1) AND isSlopeDN) Cshavesell3CshaveSell1 DAN (NOT Ref (Cshavesell1,1) DAN ((HacltBR3) ATAU (BUKAN (HacgtBG3) DAN TIDAK (HacltBR3))) DAN ISSlopeDN) Cshavebuy IIf (Synch, Cshavebuy3, Cshavebuy2) CshavesellIIf Selaras, Cshavesell3, Cshavesell2) Cshav Esell1 (Llt ((Sellstop1)) DAN LgtSellPrice DAN sejak) CshavebuyCshavebuy1 AND (NOT Ref (Cshavebuy1, -1) DAN NOT Ref (Cshavebuy1,1)) DAN synchAND isSlopeUP CshavesellCshaveSell1 AND (NOT Ref (Cshavesell1, -1) DAN NOT Ref (Cshavesell1, -1)) DAN PERSYARATAN isSlopeDN title buySince BarsSince (Buy) buy dipicu karena berapa bar yang dibeli kembaliSeperti BarSince (IIf (Buysincegt0, BuyStop2 DAN sejak, 0)) beli SL dipicu karena berapa bar yang dibeli kembaliTPSince BarsSince ( IIf (Buysincegt0, BuyTP2 DAN sejak, 0)) membeli TP dipicu karena berapa batang yang dibeli kembali Dipicu IIf (buySincegt0, 1,0) buyTargetHit IIf (buySincegt0 DAN buyTPSincegt0 DAN buySince gt buyTPSince. 1, 0) buyStoplossHit IIf (buySincegt0 DAN buyStopSincegt0 DAN buySince gt buyStopSince. 1, 0) shortSince BarsSince (Short) short dipicu sejak berapa bar belakang shortStopSince BarsSince (IIf (shortSincegt0, SellStop2 DAN since, 0)) SL pendek dipicu Karena berapa batang yang tertinggal pendekTPSince BarsSince (IIf (shortSincegt0, SellTP2 DAN since, 0)) TP pendek dipicu karena berapa batang yang tertinggal pendekTriggered IIf (shortSincegt0,1,0) shortTargetHit IIf (shortSincegt0 DAN shortTPSincegt0 DAN shortSincegtshortTPSince, 1, 0) ShortStoplossHit IIf (shortSincegt0 DAN shortStopSincegt0 DAN shortSincegtshortStopSince, 1, 0) pengelolaan uang lotSize round ((riskAmount (BuyPrice-BuyStop1))) PLOT LINES Plot (IIf (pShowtradeLines, BuyPriceline, Null), quotBuy Herequot, colorBrightGreen, styleDotsstyleNoRescale) Plot (IIf (PShowtradeLines, BuyStopline, Null), quotBuyStopquot, colorBrightGreen, styleDotsstyleNoRescale styleNoLine) Plot (IIf (pShowtradeLines, BuyTPline, Null), quotBuy Ambil profitquot, colorBrightGreen, styleDash EdstyleNoRescale) Plot (IIf (pShowtradeLines, Cshavebuyline, Null), quotReady Longquot, colorLime, styleDashedstyleNoRescale) Plot (IIF (pShowtradeLines, SellPriceline, Null), quotShort Herequot, colorRed, styleDotsstyleNoRescale) Plot (IIf (pShowtradeLines, SellStopline, Null), quotShortStopquot , ColorRed, styleDotsstyleNoRescale styleNoLine) Plot (IIf (pShowtradeLines, SellTPline, Null), quotShort Take Profitquot, colorRed, styleDashedstyleNoRescale) Plot (IIF (pShowtradeLines, Cshavesellline, Null), quotReady Shortquot, colorOrange, styleDashedstyleNoRescale) Plot (IIf (pShowRangeLines, TOPLine , Null), quotOpenquot, colorGreen, styleDashedstyleNoRescale) Plot (IIf (pShowRangeLines, PDHLine, Null), quotPDHquot, colorPlum, styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot (IIF (pShowRangeLines, PDLLine, Null), quotPDLquot, colorPlum, styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot (IIf (pShowRangeLines, DayHline, Null), quotDayHquot, colorYellow, styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot (IIS (pShowRangeLines, DayLline, Null), quotDayLquot, colorYellow, styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot (IIf (pShowRangeLines , FHHLine, Null), quot1015Hquot, IIf (FHRange1, Null, colorBlue), styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot (IIX) (PlotShapes (nr1, colorGreen, 0, L, (L) (4)) PlotShapes (IIf (pShowMarkers AND Short, shapeDownArrow, Null), colorOrange, 0, H, PlotShapes (nr8, colorGreen, 0, H) PlotShapes (nr8, colorRed, 0, Offset-15) PlotShapes (IIf (pShowMarker DAN Buy, shapeUpArrow, Null), colorWhite, 0, L, Offset-15) PlotShapes (IIf (pShowMarkers AND Cshavesell, shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle, Null), colorOrange, 0, H, Offset-35) PlotShapes (IIf (pShowMarkers AND Cshavebuy, shapeHollowSmallUpTriangle, Null), colorWhite, 0, L, Offset-35) Peringatan AlertIf (Beli, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotBuyquot, 2) AlertIf (Pendek, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotShortquot, 2) AlertIf (BuyStop, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaRingin. wavquot, quotBuyStop Hitquot, 2) AlertIf (TSB1, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaRingin. wavquot, q UimBuy Take Profitquot, 2) AlertIf (SellStop, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaRingin. wavquot, quotShort Stop Hitquot, 2) AlertIf (TSS1, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaRingin. wavquot, quotShort Take Profitquot, 2) AlertIf (Cshavebuy, quotSOUND C: Startup WindowsMediaWindows XP. wavquot, quotGet Ready to Buyquot, 2) AlertIf (Cshavesell, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotGet Ready to Shortquot, 2) AlertIf (GLong, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotOpen 1015L Buyquot, 2) AlertIf (Gshort, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotOpen 1015H Shortquot, 2) AlertIf (GLS, quotSOUND C: WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotFactorgtRange, Go Long atau Short yakin shotquot, 2) jika (Status (quotactionquot) actionIndicator) (EncodeColor (colorWhite) quot - quot tanggal () quot - quot EncodeColor (colorYellow) quotVol quot Writ EIndonesia. com ()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Quot quot quot quot quot; (AF qu.......)))))))......................... Quot quot quot quotquotquotnquot WriteIf (F11, quotF1: kuota terbaik quot, quotquot) WriteIf (F22, quotF2: kuota rata-rata quot quot quot quot kuotot) WriteIf (F33, quotF3: No Goodquotquot quot, quotquot) WriteIf (F33, QuotF3: No Goodquotquot quot, quotquot) Comm2 (quotnquotquotSlope: quot) WriteIf (isSlopeUP, EncodeColor (colorBrightGreen) quotUpquot, WriteIf (isSlopeDN, EncodeColor (colorRed) quot-Downquot, EncodeColor (colorLightYellow) quotlt Flat gtquot)) Comm2 (quotnquotVrquot. fase : Quot) WriteIf (HacgtBG3, EncodeColor (colorBrightGreen) quotUpquot, WriteIf (HacltBR3, EncodeColor (colorRed) quot-Downquot, EncodeColor (colorLightYellow) quotlt Flat gtquot)) quotnquotquotnquot EncodeColor (colorBrightGreen) WriteIf (BuyPrice, quotBUY: quot (BuyPrice) quot Quot, quotquot) WriteIf (BuyStop1, quot - BUY SL: quot (BuyStop1), quotquot) WriteIf (TSB. Quot - BUY TP: quot (TSB) quot quot quot quot kuotot) quotnquot EncodeColor (colorRed) WriteIf (SellPrice, quotSHORT: quot (SellPrice) quot quot quot quot kuotot) WriteIf (SellStop1, quot - S HORT SL: quot (SellStop1) quot quot quot quot quot quot to barcode).Com - Kaskus - The Largest Indonesian Community Kuis Berhadiah Jam Tangan Keren Chronoforce - Kuis Berhadiah Jam Tangan Keren Chronoforce - Kuis Berhadiah Jam Tangan Keren Chronoforce - Quotquot EncodeColor (colorRed) WriteIf (Gshort, quotOpen1015H Bearish: quot (Gshort) quot quot quot quot kuotot) quotnquot EncodeColor (colorBrightGreen) WriteIf (advance, quotAdvance: quot (advance) quot quot quot quot quot kuototase) EncodeColor (colorRed) WriteIf (penurunan, (Write) () () () () () () () () () () () () () IIf (Cshavesell, colorDarkRed, colorGreen)) AddColumn (IIf (Beli, 66, IIf (Pendek, 83,01)), quotACTION quot, formatChar, IIf (Pendek, warnaDarkRed, colorGreen)) AddTextColumn (WriteIf (element1, quotF1quot, WriteIf (Element2, quotF2quot, WriteIf (element3, quotF3quot, quotquot))), quotELEMENTquot, 1.0, IIf ((elemen1 ATAU elemen2), colorDarkGreen, colorD ArkRed)) AddTextColumn (WriteIf (BuytargetHit, quotbuyTargetHitquot, WriteIf (buyStoplossHit, quotbuyStoplossHitquot, WriteIf (shortTargetHit, quotshortTargetHit quot, WriteIf (shortStoplossHit, quotshortStoplossHitquot, quotquot)))), quotStatusquot, 1.0, IIf ((buyTargetHit ATAU shortTargetHit ATAU BuyTriggered) ColorDarkGreen, colorDarkRed)) AddColumn (BuyPrice, quotBuyquot, 1.2) AddColumn (BuyStop1, quotBuy SLquot, 1.2) AddColumn (TSB, quotBuy TPquot, 1.2) AddColumn (SellPrice, quotShortquot, 1.2) AddColumn (SellStop1, quotShort SLquot, 1.2) AddColumn TSS, quotShort TPquot, 1.2) AddColumn (Glong, quotOpen1015LBuyquot, 1.0) AddColumn (Gshort, quotOpen1015H Shortquot, 1.0) AddColumn (GLS, quotFactorFriendlyquot, 1.0) AddColumn (perdagangan, quotTradeNo. quot, 1.0) Filter IIf (AFfilter2, ((Beli ATAU ATAU ATAU Cshavebuy ATAU Cshavesell ATAU beliTargetHit ATAU beliStoplossHit ATAU shortTargetHit ATAU shortStoplossHit DAN (elemen1 ATAU elemen2))), ((Beli ATAU Pendek ATAU Cshavebuy ATAU Cshavesell ATAU beliTargetHit ATAU beliStoplossHit ATAU shortTargetHit ATAU shortStoplossH Itu) DAN (elemen1 ATAU elemen2 ATAU elemen3))) ATAU GLong ATAU Gshort) DAN perdagangan 2 DAN GLS ATAU beliTargetHit ATAU beliStoplossHit ATAU shortTargetHit ATAU shortStoplossHit Filter IIf (AFfilter2, Beli ATAU Pendek ATAU Cshavebuy ATAU Cshavesell AND (element1 OR element2), Beli ATAU Pendek ATAU Cshavebuy ATAU Cshavesell AND (elemen1 ATAU elemen2 ATAU elemen3)) ATAU GLong ATAU Gshort) DAN perdagangan 2 DAN GLS SECTIONBEGIN (quotEMAquot) P ParamField (kuota kuota kuota, -1) Parameter Periode (quotPeriodsquot, 15, 2, 300, 1, 10 ) Plot (EMA (P, Periode), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorCycle), ParamStyle (quotStylequot)) BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotEMA1quot) P ParamField (kuota kuota kuota, -1) Parameter Periode (quotPeriodsquot, 15, 2 , 300, 1, 10) Plot (EMA (P, Periode), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorCycle), ParamStyle (quotStylequot)) BAGIANEND () Saya rasa ada beberapa kesalahan yang ada dalam pemeriksaan ini. File: Dhiraj Chart SetChartBkColor (ParamColor (quotBackGround Colorquot, colorBlack)) pShowRangeLines ParamToggle (quotShow Range Linesquot, quotNoYesquot, 0) pShowtradeLines ParamToggle (quotShow Trade Linesquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) pShowMarkers ParamToggle (quotShow Markersquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) synch1ParamToggle (quotShow NR , Squot, quotNoYesquot, 0) LimitParam (quot Trade Till (Hour) (Min) (Sec) quot, 142500,103000,153000,100) Parameter AFfilter (quotFactor Filterquot, 2,2,3,1) SECTIONBEGIN (quotforeign Indeks bar Graphquot) synchParamToggle (quotSynch dengan Indexquot, quotNoYesquot, 0) VrParamList (quotIndex to Synchquot, Daftar quotNexI, NSEBANK, CNXIT, NSMIDCP, RELIANCE. NS, SBIN. NSquot, 0) BAGIANBEGIN (quotPL Settingsquot) PerctakeProfitParam (quotTake Profit Percentquot, 0.65, 0,3,30,0,1) PercStoplossParam (quotStopLoss Percentquot,,5,0.1) trades1Param (quotTrade Abovequot, 1,1,10,1) riskAmountParam (quotRisk Amountquot, 240,200,10000,100) SECTIONBEGIN (quotTrade Variablesquot) VolminParam QuotVolume Minqu Ot, 0,0,10000000,50) VolmaxParam (quotVolume Maxquot, 10000000,0,10000000,50) priceRLParam (harga kisaran harga Minquot, 15,1,20000,1) priceRHParam (kisaran harga kisaran Maxquot, 20000,1,20000,1 ) PercChangeminParam (quotPercentage Change Min setquot, -50, -100, 100, 0,1) PercChangemaxParam (quotPercentage Change Max setquot, 50, -100, 100, 0.1) Program menghitung dan menampilkan berbagai nilai harga secara real time Todays Open Prior Day High Prior Hari Rendah Hari Sebelum Hari Buka Sebelum Tutup Hari Sebelumnya Hari Tengah 1015 Hari Tinggi 1015 Rendah PlotOHLC (Terbuka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup, quotquot, colorWhite, styleCandle) Bar 0 xpdh 90 SECTIONBEGIN (quotSARquot) acc Param (quotAccelerationquot, 0.02, 0, 1, 0.001) accm Param (quotMax. Accelerationquot, 0.2, 0, 1, 0.001) Plot (SAR, acc, accm), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotcolorquot, colorBlack), ParamStyle (quotStylequot, styleDots styleNoLine, maskDefault styleDots styleNoLine)) BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotSMAquot) P ParamField (quotPrice fieldquot, -1) Parameter Periode (Parameter kuarsa, 20, 2, 300, 1, 10) Plot (MA, P, Periode), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorYellow), ParamStyle (quotStylequot, styleThick)) ParamField SECTIONEND () lereng adalahSlopeUP (MA (P, Periode) ltL) DAN REKENING (MA, P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 2) DAN P (MA (P, Periode), - 2) gtRef (MA (P, Periodik), - 3) dan Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 3) gtRef (MA (P, Periods), - 4) DAN P (MA (P, Periode), - 4) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 5) dan Pustaka (MA (P, Periode), - 5) gtRef (MA (P, Periods), - 6) isSlopeDN (MA (P, Periods) gtH) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periode), - 1) ltRef (MA (P, Periode), - 2) DAN Pokok (MA (P, Periode), - 2) ltRef (MA (P, Periode), - 3) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 3) ltRef (MA (P, Periods), - 4) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periode ), - 4) ltRef (MA (P, Periods), - 5) dan Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 5) ltRef (MA (P, Periods), - 6) isSlpeUP (MA (P, Periode) LtC) DAN P (MA, P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periodik), - 2) DAN P (MA (P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 3) DAN PIHAK (MA, P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 4) DAN Pokok (MA (P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periods), - 5) AND Ref (MA (P, Periode), - 1) gtRef (MA (P, Periode), - 6) isSlpeDN (MA (P, Periods) gtC) DAN Ref (MA (P, Periods), - 1) (P, Periode), - 2) DAN P (MA, P, Periode), - 1) ltRef (MA (P, Periode), - 3) DAN P (MA (P, Periode), - 1) (MA, P, Periode), - 5) DAN RE (MA (P, Periode), - 1) ltRef (MA (P, Periode), - LtRef (MA (P, Periods), - 6) Mengkonversi data ke harian PlotRange (TimeNum () gt 95500 DAN TimeNum () lt 153500) AND (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) FHRange (TimeNum () gt 095500 AND TimeNum () lt 101459) AND (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) FHPrices FHMarker FHRM FACEL TinggiSejak (FHRangegt0) Temukan jumlah bar dalam 60 menit NumBars 3 600 Interval (1) TimeFrameSet (inDaily) TOP Open PDH Ref (Tinggi, -1) PDL Ref (Rendah, -1) PDO Ref (Open, -1) PDC Ref (Tutup, -1) PDM (PDHPDL) 2 TimeFrameRestore ( ) IsAll True isRth TimeNum () gt 095400 AND TimeNum () lt 101459 isdRth TimeNum () gt 095400 AND TimeNum () lt 160000 aRthL IIf (isRth, L, 1000000) aRthH IIf (isthRth, H, Null) aRthLd IIf (isthRth, L, 1000000) TOP TimeFrameExpand (TOP, inDaily, expandFirst) PDH TimeFrameExpand (PDH, inDaily, expandFirst) PDL TimeFrameExpand (PDL, inDaily, expandFirst) PDO TimeFrameExpand (PDO, inDaily, expandFirst) PDC TimeFrameExpand (PDC, inDaily, expandFirst) PDM TimeFrameExpand (PDM, inDaily, expandFirst) FHH Ref (HHV (HighFHRange, NumBars), - FHMarker) FHL TimeFrameCompress (aRthL, inDaily, compressLow) FHL TimeFrameExpand (FHL, inDaily, expandFirst) DayH TimeFrameCompress (aRthH, inDaily, compressHigh) DayH TimeFrameExpand (DayH, inDaily, expandFirst) DayL TimeFrameCompress (aRthLd, inDaily, compressLow) DayL TimeFrameExpand (DayL, inDaily, expandFirst ) Menemukan FC1 ((PDH-PDL) 0.433) FC2 ((PDH-PDL) 0.7666) FC3 ((PDH-PDL) 1.355) FC4 (FHH-FHL) SEKARANG FILTER UNTUK MENCARI FAKTOR YANG BERLAKU F11IIf ((FC4ltFC1PDH0.005) , FC1,0) F22IIf ((FC4ltFC2PDH0.005 DAN FC4gtFC1PDH0.005), FC2,0) F33IIf ((FC4ltFC3 dan FC4gtFC2PDH0.005), FC3,0) elemen1IIf (F11gt0, F11,0) element2IIf (F22gt0, F22,0 ) Element3IIf (F33gt0, F33,0) AF (F11F22F33) sejak (TimeNum () gt 101459 AND TimeNum () Batas) DAN (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum)) berderingHigh-Low nrsIIf (rangLLV (berdering, 7) , BentukDigit7shapePosisi di atas, bentukNone) nr8sIIf (Ref, nr7s, -1) DAN rangLLV (berdering, 8), shapeDigit8shapePosition Di atas, shapeNone) nr7IIf (synch1, nr7s, 0) nr8IIf (synch1, nr8s, 0) InsideBar Inside () nr1f (nr7 DAN (H, Max (HaC, HaO)) HaL Min (L, Min (HaC, HaC, HaC) HaO)) BG3HHV (LLV (HaL, 4) ATR (4), 8) BR3LLV (HHV (HaH, 4) - ATR (4), 8) co IIf (HacgtBG3, colorBrightGreen, IIf (Hac lt BR3, colorRed, colorGrey50 )) Plot (4, quotquot, Co, styleAre AstyleOwnScale styleNoLabel, -1, 100) RestorePriceArrays () SECTIONEND () filter tambahan GLong (TOPFHL) DAN TimeNum () lt 101600 Gshort (TOPFHH) DAN TimeNum () lt 101600 GLS (AFlt (FHH-FHL)) advanceForeign (quotNSEAdvancingquot, quotHquot ) Menurunkan Harga Jual Beli (IDNSEDecliningquot, quotHquot) SEKARANG MENGHITUNG PARAMETER ENTRY-EXIT-STOPLOSS BuyPrice (BuyOnline) BuyTP1 (BuyPrice (PerepokProfit100))) BuyTP2 (CgtBuyTP1 OR HgtBuyTP1) SellPrice (DayH-AF) SellTP1 (SellPrice - (SellPrice (PerctakeProfit100) )))) SellTP2 (CltSellTP1 ATAU LltSellTP1) TSB IIf (SAR, acc, accm) gtBuyTP1 DAN SAR (acc, accm) ltL, SAR (acc, accm), BuyTP1) TSB1Cross (TSB, C) TSS IIf (SAR, Accm) ltSellTP1 DAN SAR (acc, accm) gtH, SAR (acc, accm), SellTP1) TSS1Cross (C, TSS) percchange (((PDC) PDC) 100) Vol (VgtVolmin dan VltVolmax) Persentase (percchangegtPercChangemin DAN percchangeltPercChangemax ) Prc (CgtpriceRL AND CltpriceRH) Buy1 (Vol DAN Persentase DAN prc DAN sejak DAN (HacgtBG3) DAN advancegtDekline DAN (Cross (C, BuyPrice)) Buy2 (Vol DAN Persentase DAN prc DAN sejak DAN PERJANJIAN DAMPAK DAN (Cross (C, BuyPrice))) Short1 (Vol DAN Persentase DAN prc DAN sejak DAN tdk dtentangDekosta DAN (HacltBR3) DAN (Cross (SellPrice, C))) Short2 (Vol DAN Persentase DAN prc DAN sejak DAN advanceltDecline Buy3 IIf (selaras, Buy1, Buy2) Short3 IIf (selaras, pendek, pendek2) BuyStop1 (BuyPrice - (BuyPrice (PercStoploss100))) BuyStop1IIf (BuyStop1lt SellPrice, SellPrice, BuyStop1) BuyStop2 (Beli, LltBuyStop1 ATAU CltBuyStop1) SellStop1 (SellPrice (SellPrice (PercStoploss100))) SellStop1IIf (SellStop1 gt BuyPrice, BuyPrice, SellStop1) SellStop2 (HgtSellStop1 OR CgtSellStop1) perdagangan kumulatif tradebase (Beli3 OR Short3 DAN sejak) tradesCum (tradebase) trades2 (tradesgttrades1) buyTargetHit IIf (BuySincegt1 AND buyTPSincegt1 AND buyStopSince lt 0, 1, 0) buyStoplossHit IIf (buySincegt1 AND buyStopSincegt1 DAN buyTPSince lt 0, 1, 0) Beli (Buy3 AND tradees AND ANDLOPUP AND (NOT Ref (Buy3, -1) DAN NOT Ref (Buy3 , -2) DAN BUKAN Ref (Buy3, -3) DAN BUKAN Ref (Buy3, -4) DAN BUKAN Ref (Buy3, -5))) Sh ort(Short3 AND trades2 AND isSlopeDN AND (NOT Ref(Short3,-1) AND NOT Ref(Short3,-2) AND NOT Ref(Short3,-3) AND NOT Ref(Short3,-4) AND NOT Ref(Short3,-5))) BuyStopIIf((Buy AND NOT BuyTP2),BuyStop1,Null) SellStopIIf(Short AND NOT SellTP2,SellStop1,Null) BuyTPIIf(Buy AND NOT BuyStop, BuyTP2,Null) SellTPIIf(Short AND NOT SellStop, SellTP2,Null) experiment tradebaseB(Buy) tradesBCum(tradebaseB) BuyTP3BuyTP2 AND TradesBgt1 tradebaseBTP(BuyTP3) tradesBTPCum(tradebaseBTP) Buystop3Buystop2 AND TradesBgt1 tradebaseBSL(Buystop3 AND since) tradesBSLCum(tradebaseBSL) SellTP3SellTP2 AND TradesSgt1 tradebaseSTP(SellTP3) tradesSTPCum(tradebaseSTP) Sellstop3Sellstop2 AND TradesSgt1 tradebaseSSL(Sellstop3 AND since) tradesSSLCum(tradebaseSSL) buyTriggered (TradesB1) buyTargetHit (TradesBTPgt1) buyStoplossHit (TradesBSLgt1) shortTriggered TradesS1 shortTargetHit (TradesSTPgt1) shortStoplossHit (TradesSSLgt1) end line plot basics Bars BarsSince(TimeNum() gt 95400 AND TimeNum() lt 101459),BarIndex(),1) AND DateNum()LastValue(DateNum()) x0 BarCount-LastValue(Bars) x1 BarCount-1 TOPLine LineArray(x0,LastValue(TOP),x1,LastValue(TOP),0) PDHLine LineArray(x0,LastValue(PDH),x1,LastValue(PDH),0) PDLLine LineArray(x0,LastValue(PDL),x1,LastValue(PDL),0) PDCLine LineArray(x0,LastValue(PDC),x1,LastValue(PDC),0) PDMLine LineArray(x0,LastValue(PDM),x1,LastValue(PDM),0) FHHLine LineArray(x0,LastValue(FHH),x1,LastValue(FHH),0) FHLLine LineArray(x0,LastValue(FHL),x1,LastValue(FHL),0) BuyPricelineLineArray(x0,LastValue(BuyPrice),x1,LastValue(BuyPrice),0) BuyStoplineLineArray(x0,LastValue(BuyStop1),x1,LastValue(BuyStop1),0) BuyTPlineLineArray(x0,SelectedValue(TSB),x1,SelectedValue(TSB),0) SellPricelineLineArray(x0,LastValue(SellPrice),x1,LastValue(SellPrice),0) SellStoplineLineArray(x0,LastValue(SellStop1),x1,LastValue(SellStop1),0) SellTPlineLineArray(x0,SelectedValue(TSS),x1,SelectedValue(TSS),0) DayHlineLineArray(x0,LastValue(DayH),x1,LastValue(DayH),0) DayLlineLineArray(x0,LastValue(DayL),x1,LastValue(DayL),0) Ready codes Cshavebuy1IIf((Cgt((BuyStopline)) AND HltBuyPriceline) AND NOT Short, Buystopline(2((Ref(High,-1)-Ref(Low,-1))factor100)),0) Cshavesell1IIf((Clt((Sellstopline)) AND LgtSellPriceline) AND NOT Buy, SellStopline-(2((Ref(High,-1)-Ref(Low,-1))factor100)),0) Cshavebuy1IIf((CgtBuyStopline AND HltBuyPriceline AND H gt BuyPriceline0.997) AND NOT Short AND since,(BuyPriceline0.997),0) Cshavesell1IIf((CltSellstopline AND LgtSellPriceline AND LltSellPriceLine1.002) AND NOT Buy AND since,(SellPriceLine1.002),0) Cshavebuy2Cshavebuy1 AND (NOT Ref(Cshavebuy1,1) AND isSlopeUP) Cshavebuy3Cshavebuy1 AND (NOT Ref(Cshavebuy1,1) AND ((HacgtBG3) OR (NOT (HacgtBG3) AND NOT (HacltBR3))) AND isSlopeUP) Cshavesell2CshaveSell1 AND (NOT Ref(Cshavesell1,1) AND isSlopeDN) Cshavesell3CshaveSell1 AND (NOT Ref(Cshavesell1,1) AND ((HacltBR3) OR (NOT (HacgtBG3) AND NOT (HacltBR3))) AND isSlopeDN) Cshavebuy IIf(Synch, Cshavebuy3,Cshavebuy2) CshavesellIIf(synch, Cshavesell3,Cshavesell2) Cshav esell1 (Llt((Sellstop1)) AND LgtSellPrice AND since) CshavebuyCshavebuy1 AND (NOT Ref(Cshavebuy1,-1) AND NOT Ref(Cshavebuy1,1) ) AND synchAND isSlopeUP CshavesellCshaveSell1 AND (NOT Ref(Cshavesell1,-1) AND NOT Ref(Cshavesell1,-1)) AND synchAND isSlopeDN title buySince BarsSince(Buy ) buy is triggered since how many bars back buyStopSince BarsSince(IIf(Buysincegt0,BuyStop2 AND since,0)) buy SL is triggered since how many bars back buyTPSince BarsSince(IIf(Buysincegt0,BuyTP2 AND since,0)) buy TP is triggered since how many bars back buyTriggered IIf(buySincegt0 ,1,0) buyTargetHit IIf(buySincegt0 AND buyTPSincegt0 AND buySince gt buyTPSince. 1, 0) buyStoplossHit IIf( buySincegt0 AND buyStopSincegt0 AND buySince gt buyStopSince. 1, 0) shortSince BarsSince(Short) short is triggered since how many bars back shortStopSince BarsSince(IIf(shortSincegt0,SellStop2 AND since,0)) short SL is triggered since how many bars back shortTPSince BarsSince(IIf(shortSincegt0,SellTP2 AND since,0)) short TP is triggered since how many bars back shortTriggered IIf(shortSincegt0,1,0) shortTargetHit IIf(shortSincegt0 AND shortTPSincegt0 AND shortSincegtshortTPSince, 1, 0) shortStoplossHit IIf(shortSincegt0 AND shortStopSincegt0 AND shortSincegtshortStopSince, 1, 0) money management lotSize round((riskAmount(BuyPrice-BuyStop1))) PLOT LINES Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines, BuyPriceline, Null),quotBuy Herequot, colorBrightGreen, styleDotsstyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines, BuyStopline, Null),quotBuyStopquot, colorBrightGreen, styleDotsstyleNoRescale styleNoLine) Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines, BuyTPline, Null),quotBuy Take profitquot, colorBrightGreen, styleDash edstyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines, Cshavebuyline, Null),quotReady Longquot, colorLime, styleDashedstyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines, SellPriceline, Null),quotShort Herequot, colorRed, styleDotsstyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines, SellStopline, Null),quotShortStopquot, colorRed, styleDotsstyleNoRescale styleNoLine) Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines, SellTPline, Null),quotShort Take Profitquot, colorRed, styleDashedstyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines, Cshavesellline, Null),quotReady Shortquot, colorOrange, styleDashedstyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines, TOPLine, Null),quotOpenquot, colorGreen, styleDashedstyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines, PDHLine, Null),quotPDHquot, colorPlum, styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines, PDLLine, Null),quotPDLquot, colorPlum, styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines, DayHline, Null),quotDayHquot, colorYellow, styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines, DayLline, Null),quotDayLquot, colorYellow, styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines, FHHLine, Null),quot1015Hquot, IIf(FHRange1,Null, colorBlue),styleLinestyleNoRescale) Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines, FHLLine, Null),quot1015Lquot, IIf(FHRange1,Null, colorBlue),styleLinestyleNoRescale) Shapes PlotShapes(nr1,colorGreen,0,L) PlotShapes(nr7,colorGreen,0,H) PlotShapes(nr8,colorRed,0,(L-(H-L)4)) PlotShapes(IIf(pShowMarkers AND Short, shapeDownArrow, Null), colorOrange, 0,H, Offset-15) PlotShapes(IIf(pShowMarkers AND Buy, shapeUpArrow, Null), colorWhite, 0,L, Offset-15) PlotShapes(IIf(pShowMarkers AND Cshavesell, shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle, Null), colorOrange, 0,H, Offset-35) PlotShapes(IIf(pShowMarkers AND Cshavebuy, shapeHollowSmallUpTriangle, Null), colorWhite, 0,L, Offset-35) Alerts AlertIf( Buy, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotBuyquot,2) AlertIf( Short, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotShortquot, 2 ) AlertIf( BuyStop, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaRingin. wavquot, quotBuyStop Hitquot, 2 ) AlertIf( TSB1, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaRingin. wavquot, q uotBuy Take Profitquot, 2 ) AlertIf( SellStop, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaRingin. wavquot, quotShort Stop Hitquot, 2 ) AlertIf( TSS1, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaRingin. wavquot, quotShort Take Profitquot, 2 ) AlertIf( Cshavebuy, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotGet Ready to Buyquot, 2 ) AlertIf( Cshavesell, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotGet Ready to Shortquot, 2 ) AlertIf( GLong, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotOpen 1015L Buyquot, 2 ) AlertIf( Gshort, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotOpen 1015H Shortquot, 2 ) AlertIf( GLS, quotSOUND C:WindowsMediaWindows XP Startup. wavquot, quotFactorgtRange, Go Long or Short sure shotquot, 2 ) if( Status(quotactionquot) actionIndicator ) ( Title EncodeColor(colorWhite) quotDhiraj Systemquot quot - quot Name() quot - quot EncodeColor(colorYellow) Interval(2) EncodeColor(colorWhite) quot - quot Date() quot - quot EncodeColor(colorYellow) quotVol quot Writ eVal(V)quot - quot WriteIf(Percchange, quot Change quot(Percchange)quot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(GLS, quot - FactorFriendlyBothSides quot(GLS)quot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(trades, quot - Trade : quot(Trades)quot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(AF, quot - AF: quot(AF)quot quot, quotquot) WriteIf((lotSize) AND since, quot - Position Size. quot( lotSize )quot quot, quotquot) quotnquotquotnquot WriteIf(F11, quotF1: Best quotquot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(F22, quotF2: Medium quotquot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(F33, quotF3: No Goodquotquot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(F33, quotF3: No Goodquotquot quot, quotquot) Comm2(quotnquotquotSlope: quot) WriteIf(isSlopeUP, EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)quotUpquot, WriteIf(isSlopeDN, EncodeColor(colorRed)quot-Downquot, EncodeColor(colorLightYellow)quotlt Flat gtquot)) Comm2(quotnquotVrquot. Phase: quot) WriteIf(HacgtBG3,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)quotUpquot, WriteIf(HacltBR3,EncodeColor(colorRed)quot-Downquot, EncodeColor(colorLightYellow)quotlt Flat gtquot)) quotnquotquotnquot EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) WriteIf(BuyPrice, quotBUY: quot(BuyPrice)quot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(BuyStop1, quot - BUY SL: quot(BuyStop1),quotquot) WriteIf(TSB. quot - BUY TP: quot(TSB)quot quot, quotquot) quotnquot EncodeColor(colorRed) WriteIf(SellPrice, quotSHORT: quot(SellPrice)quot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(SellStop1, quot - S HORT SL: quot(SellStop1)quot quot, quotquot) WriteIf(TSS, quot - SHORT TP: quot(TSS)quot quot, quotquot)quotnquot quotnquot EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) WriteIf(GLong, quotOpen1015L Bullish: quot(GLong)quot quot, quotquot) EncodeColor(colorRed) WriteIf(Gshort, quotOpen1015H Bearish: quot(Gshort)quot quot, quotquot) quotnquot EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) WriteIf(advance, quotAdvance: quot(advance)quot quot, quotquot) EncodeColor(colorRed) WriteIf(decline, quot - Decline: quot(Decline)quot quot, quotquot)) WriteVal(NSEAdvancing) WriteVal(CshaveSell) WriteVal(Buy)) exploration AddColumn( IIf(Cshavebuy, 82, IIf(Cshavesell, 82,01 )), quotREADYquot, formatChar, IIf(Cshavesell, colorDarkRed, colorGreen) ) AddColumn( IIf(Buy, 66, IIf(Short, 83,01 )), quotACTION quot, formatChar, IIf(Short, colorDarkRed, colorGreen) ) AddTextColumn( WriteIf(element1,quotF1quot, WriteIf(element2,quotF2quot, WriteIf(element3,quotF3quot, quotquot))),quotELEMENTquot,1.0, IIf((element1 OR element2),colorDarkGreen, colorD arkRed)) AddTextColumn( WriteIf(BuytargetHit, quotbuyTargetHitquot, WriteIf(buyStoplossHit, quotbuyStoplossHitquot, WriteIf(shortTargetHit, quotshortTargetHit quot, WriteIf(shortStoplossHit, quotshortStoplossHitquot, quotquot)))),quotStatusquot,1.0, IIf((buyTargetHit OR shortTargetHit OR BuyTriggered),colorDarkGreen, colorDarkRed)) AddColumn(BuyPrice, quotBuyquot,1.2) AddColumn(BuyStop1,quotBuy SLquot,1.2) AddColumn(TSB, quotBuy TPquot,1.2) AddColumn(SellPrice, quotShortquot,1.2) AddColumn(SellStop1,quotShort SLquot,1.2) AddColumn(TSS, quotShort TPquot,1.2) AddColumn(Glong, quotOpen1015LBuyquot,1.0) AddColumn(Gshort, quotOpen1015H Shortquot,1.0) AddColumn(GLS, quotFactorFriendlyquot,1.0) AddColumn(trades, quotTradeNo. quot,1.0) Filter IIf(AFfilter2,((Buy OR Short OR Cshavebuy OR Cshavesell OR buyTargetHit OR buyStoplossHit OR shortTargetHit OR shortStoplossHit AND (element1 OR element2))),((Buy OR Short OR Cshavebuy OR Cshavesell OR buyTargetHit OR buyStoplossHit OR shortTargetHit OR shortStoplossH it) AND (element1 OR element2 OR element3))) OR GLong OR Gshort) AND trades2 AND GLS OR buyTargetHit OR buyStoplossHit OR shortTargetHit OR shortStoplossHit Filter IIf(AFfilter2,Buy OR Short OR Cshavebuy OR Cshavesell AND (element1 OR element2),Buy OR Short OR Cshavebuy OR Cshavesell AND (element1 OR element2 OR element3)) OR GLong OR Gshort) AND trades2 AND GLS SECTIONBEGIN(quotEMAquot) P ParamField(quotPrice fieldquot,-1) Periods Param(quotPeriodsquot, 15, 2, 300, 1, 10 ) Plot( EMA( P, Periods ), DEFAULTNAME(), ParamColor( quotColorquot, colorCycle ), ParamStyle(quotStylequot) ) SECTIONEND() SECTIONBEGIN(quotEMA1quot) P ParamField(quotPrice fieldquot,-1) Periods Param(quotPeriodsquot, 15, 2, 300, 1, 10 ) Plot( EMA( P, Periods ), DEFAULTNAME(), ParamColor( quotColorquot, colorCycle ), ParamStyle(quotStylequot) ) SECTIONEND()trendtradingsystem Web page information Keywords hit in search results bear bull market about accuracy alert analysis based brings checking complaints consis tent continues developed disciplined discounts discover dramatically exchange execute following forex former friday funds fundtrading futures generate guide helps himself improve index indicator information institutional investment investors ksignals learn market markets master maybe means mechanical model money mutual never newsletter online options portfolios powerful precise principles probability profits proprietary reason regular review reviews saying sector sectors sharesxpert signal signals simple software start steps stock stocks strategies strategy struggling success system system systems teaches their there tonight trade traded trader traders trading trend truth underperformed understand using welcome whipsaw wrong Search Engine Recommended KeywordsSeaside OR, Warren Or, Do or Die, Dead or Alive, Redmond OR Airport, Register-Guard Eugene OR, Snopes Truth or Fiction, Liberal or Conservative, Trend Trading System Consistent Profits Trading Just a Few. 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After revising my old strategy with better improvements releasing the newer. News Results SPX Gaps Above the 50-Day and Continues Higher Utilities -- Underperformed the SPX by -22. Checking the sectors of the SPX tonight: (The sector Buy and Sell signals come from a mechanical trend trading system there will be some whipsaw but the signal will never be on the wrong side for long.) Market Continues Bullish Characteristics Financials -- Underperformed the SPX by -64. Checking the sectors of the SPX tonight: (The sector Buy and Sell signals come from a mechanical trend trading system there will be some whipsaw but the signal will never be on the wrong side for long.) LOW VOLUME FRIDAY RESULTS IN STEALTH RALLY Consumer Discretionary -- Underperformed the SPX by -28. Checking the sectors of the SPX for Friday: (The sector Buy and Sell signals come from a mechanical trend trading system there will be some whipsaw but the signal will never be on the wrong side for long.) 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